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Unsummed Heroes of Change

Social workers, human services workers, city and government employees provide a wide variety of  essential services to assist individuals, families and communities. In the state of New Jersey, there are over 1,130 nonprofit organizations, 15 government agencies and countless numbers of dedicated, often unknown individuals who have dedicated their lives to improving the well-being of others. The services that they provide act as a safety net for the disenfranchised and marginalized on micro, mezzo and macro levels of societal systems.


Below you can listen to the oral histories of the Unsummed Heroes of Change, sharing their stories, experiences, and the profound impact of their work. These narratives highlight the dedication and resilience of those who provide essential services, enriching the lives of individuals, families, and communities in Newark.


Listen to Helena D. Lewis' interview & performance at the Newark Public Library!




00:00 / 32:06

Aaron Frazier: I am still here


Dennis Smith: The Incredible One

Ewin Ortiz: Unredeemable

Jennifer Sheahan: The Wizard

Jim Walsh: From the Pits to the Rocks

Kesha Eure: I Am that I Am that I Am

Marc Jones: I Hope My Best was Good Enough

Melissa Rovetto-Ruffner: Jersey Girl with a Big Heart trying to make the World a Better Place One Person at a Time


Rob Hylton: Embracing God's Gift of Words

Robert House: A Loving Brother

Sahib Brown: Out of the Dark and Into the Light


Tonya Tucker: The'll Never Know


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